Dette er gratis for klubbens medlemmer.
For de øvrige eiere av islandshund som ønsker å delta oppfordrer vi de til å sende en mail til slik at dere kan støtte ISIC med et mindre beløp
Opprinnelig invitasjon ser dere her:
To all clubs!
We in ISIC Executive are proud to invite you to a webinar on the breed standard April 18th, 2021 GMT 13-16 (small mistake in the Picture)
To join use this link
Passord : 307752
Link til del 2 av webinaret:
Passord : 080774
The clubs are free to invite their members on their webpages or in some other ways they find suitable.
This webinar is also announced on our webpage that now has a new look. If you have not seen it yet, here it is ISIC – Official homepage for Icelandic Sheepdog International Cooperation (
We are looking forward to this and hope you will enjoy this way of learning more about our dogs and the breed standard.
ISIC executive